This means the OPC DA Server will run using the security context of the Windows user currently logged in to the local computer.

The setting you choose will have the following implications: This is where you define which user accounts can run the OPC DA Server. In the Launch and Activation Permissions section, select Customize and click on the Edit button.Locate the "Schneider Electric SCADA OPC DA Server" component and select Properties.Expand the Component Services folder, the Computers folder, the My Computer folder, and the DCOM Config folder.To configure the OPC DA Server specific settings You can now exit the Properties dialog.allow Local Launch, Remote Launch, Local Activation and Remote Activation for the users group.In the Launch and Activation Permissions section, click on the Edit Limits button.In the Access Permissions section, now click on the Edit Default. allow both Local Access and Remote Access for the users group.add the OPC DA Server users group you have created.In the Access Permissions section, click on the Edit Limits button.Right click on the My Computer folder, and select Properties.Expand the Component Services folder, and the Computers folder.To do this, go to Control Panel, open Administrative Tools and then Component Services. Launch the Windows Component Services manager.To configure the machine-wide user group DCOM settings Configure the connectivity environment settings.Configure the OPC DA Server specific settings.Configure the machine-wide user group DCOM settings.Once the required user group has been created, you need to configure the following: Otherwise, see the Windows documentation for information on how to create a user group. In the case of Windows 2003 and Windows 7, you can make use of the built-in system group "Distributed COM users". You can then just add users to this group as required. To manage user access to an OPC DA Server, it is recommended that you create a Windows user group with appropriate DCOM settings on the host server rather than dealing with Windows user identities individually. Extensibility > Using an OPC DA Server > Configuring an OPC DA Server > OPC DA Server DCOM settings OPC DA Server DCOM Settings